How can I make columns with a max-width expand fluidly?

I am currently using a fluid/responsive column layout that looks like this:


    margin:0 15px;




Here is the HTML code:

<div clas="row">
    <div class="column third">content</div>
    <div class="column third">content</div>
    <div class="column third">content</div>

Everything seems to be working fine, except that when I resize the window, the columns do not resize along with it. Instead, they remain at their max-width until the window is below that size.

Is there a way to make the columns resize in sync with the window without relying on percentage values? I would like to avoid using percentages for widths and margins as they can often lead to small gaps and inconsistencies in sizes.

Here is a link to the JS Fiddle of my current progress: fiddle

Answer №1

Before calculating the max-width of an element, it is imperative to specify a width first. To achieve this, simply adjust your CSS for .column.third as shown below:


Check out the Demo Fiddle here

Explore more from MDN

The max-width CSS property is essential in setting the maximum width of an element. It ensures that the value specified for max-width prevents the width property value from exceeding a certain limit.

Answer №2

When specifying measurements, opt for percentages over pixels.

Consider using margin-left: 10% instead of 150px. This adjustment could yield better results.

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