Navigate to a specific section of a webpage with automatic scrolling

I'm developing a Chrome App and incorporating the web view tag, which functions similarly to an iframe.

Is there a way to load a webpage inside the web view halfway down the page?

I have attempted the following:


$(document).ready(function () {
// Assuming <webview id="wv"></webview>
var webview = document.getElementsById("wv");
name: "ExampleRule",
matches: [""], // can be as specific as needed
js: ["content.js"]
webview.src = "";

var webview = document.getElementsById("wv");
file: "content.js"

$(".box1").click(function () {
// code for handling click event on box1

$(".box5").click(function () {
// code for handling click event on box5

$(".box3").click(function () {
// code for handling click event on box3

$(".back").click(function () {
// code for handling click event on back button

$(".login").click(function () {
// code for handling login click event

window.onload = function () {
// code executed when window loads

My content.js:

window.scroll(0, 150);


<webview id="wv" class="sentifeed"></webview>

Answer №1

Here's a helpful snippet:

Use JQuery for Smooth Scrolling

$('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $('#content').offset().top //content id of main content
}, 800); //Scrolling speed in milliseconds

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