Mysterious HTML/CSS element causing page to stretch beyond limits

I am currently updating a website to make it responsive. Check it out here:

When the viewport is below 980px in width, a horizontal scroll bar appears and the html/body/container remains at 980px.

I've attempted to apply an inline width of 200px to all elements, but the page still appears stretched. I'm struggling to figure out what's causing this issue. Can anyone help identify the problem?

The issue was with the table in #fp-boxes. In Chrome's viewport, changing the widths didn't affect the page width without a refresh, which would then reset the forced widths back to their original values. Everything behaved correctly in Firefox's viewport.

Answer №1

After analyzing the website quickly, a number of issues have been identified.

Problem 1 - The Shopping Cart has a set margin-left property which is causing the page to expand (located in style.css line 88)

.m-shoppingbasket {
  width: 295px;
  position: absolute;
  margin-left: 739px;
  top: 6px;
  background: #8bbeb7;

Possible Solution - Eliminate the margin-left and instead use float right, adjusting as needed

Problem 2 - The feature boxes (fp-boxes) are using tables with fixed widths

            <td style="width: 334px; height: 201px;" valign="top">...</td>
            <td style="width: 334px;" valign="top">...</td>
            <td style="width: 334px;" valign="top">...</td>

Solution - Remove fixed widths and consider using a responsive grid or setting percentages. Using tables for displaying three boxes side by side might not be the best approach...

Additionally, a media query has been noticed (style.css line 733)

This issue can be addressed by implementing a responsive image class that allows featured promos to adapt based on table size

.img-responsive {

Problem 3 - The footer text container has been assigned a width of 1000px (style.css line 610)

.footer-container .footer {
  width: 1000px;
  height: 80px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding-top: 20px;

Solution - Remove the specified width

While there may be additional issues present, addressing these should provide a good starting point.

Answer №2

@media (max-width:980px) and (min-width:300px) { 
      #wrapperselector { 
        max-width: 200px; 
        margin: 0 auto;
        overflow-y: hidden;

It seems like there might be a problem with displaying all of your code in the issue.

If you are trying to force all elements to be 200px width, you may have done something like this;

* {
  width: 200px;

But be careful as that will stretch everything and is not recommended!

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