My Ionic app displays a blank nested view

Below are the route configurations in app.js:

  .state('signup', {
    url: '/signup',    
    templateUrl: 'templates/signup.html',
    controller: 'signupCtrl'
  .state('profile', {
    url: '/profile',
    abstract: true,
    templateUrl: 'templates/profile.html',
  .state('profile.init', {
    url: '/profile-init',
    templateUrl: 'templates/profile-init.html'

In the signup page, I have created a button that, when clicked, should navigate the user to the profile-init page using the code - $state.go('profile.init')

In profile.html, I have added:

<ion-content style="background: #c3c3c3"></ion-content>

In the profile-init.html page, the following content is present:

<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
  <h1 class="title">Profile</h1>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col col-10"></div>
    <div class="col col-80 padding">
        Thanks for showing your interest
    <div class="col col-10">&nbsp;</div>
<ion-footer-bar class="bar-stable">
  <button class="button button-clear" ng-click="hello()">Forward</button>

However, upon clicking the button, the navigation is not working as expected. The page redirects to /#/profile/profile-starter and only shows a background color with no text visible. Even though the template is loading without errors in the console, there seems to be an issue. Please help me identify what I am doing wrong here.

Answer №1

Implement a new ion-nav-view component

<ion-nav-view name="dashboard"></ion-nav-view>

Make necessary changes to routes in app.js file

.state('dashboard.home', {
    url: '/dashboard-home',
    views: {
        'dashboard': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/dashboard-home.html'

Answer №2

Unfortunately unable to provide feedback at this time, and not able to verify it but my suggestion is to utilize a dot ('.') in the file name:

templateUrl: 'templates/profile.init.html'

Additionally, make sure to modify the file name as needed.

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