Angular: Display an element above and in relation to a button

Before I dive in, let me just mention that I have searched extensively for a solution to my problem without much luck. The issue is describing exactly what I'm trying to accomplish in a way that yields relevant search results.

If you're interested, here's the link to the StackBlitz demo:

The task at hand involves creating a component which allows users to add a special needs service along with a comment. Each service is displayed using ngFor and grid layout, complete with a "comment" button.

I've attempted to visualize my goal in this image:

An essential requirement is that the comment "pop-up" must appear relative to the corresponding "comment" button clicked. To facilitate this, I've incorporated ngTemplateOutlet within the ngFor loop. My dilemma arises when the "comment" button triggers movement throughout the grid layout.

I did manage to achieve positioning outside the ngFor loop inside a div, but it lacks the desired relative position to the clicked button.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Answer №1

Check out my latest update with the inclusion of position:relative and position:absolute;

relevant CSS adjustments:

.add-comment-container {
  position: relative;  
  height: 5rem;
  background-color: white;
  z-index: 1;
  border: solid 1px green;


after relevant HTML modifications:

<section class="p-md green-border">
  <div class="common-ssrs">
    <div *ngFor="let service of commonSsrs" class="d-flex justify-content-between">

    <div class="d-flex align-items-center">{{service.code | uppercase}}</div>

      <div class="actions d-flex align-items-center">
        <button mat-mini-fab class="add-button" id="'wt-common-ssrs-add-' + service.code"><span class="font-title-1 add-text">+</span></button>
        <!-- Maybe change to button, to avoid marking when clicking -->
        <div class="mat-icon-container">
          <button (click)="editComment(service)" class="color-gray-2 cursor-pointer add-comment" id="'wt-common-ssrs-comment-' + service.code">comment</button>
      <div *ngIf="serviceCommentEdit && ===" class='commentComtainer'>
        <ng-container  *ngTemplateOutlet="EditSsrComment; context: { service: service, index: index}"></ng-container>

<!-- <div *ngIf="serviceCommentEdit" class="add-comment-container p-md d-flex"> -->

  <ng-template let-service="service" let-serviceIndex="index" #EditSsrComment  >
      <div class="add-comment-container p-md d-flex">
        <textarea matInput></textarea>
        <br />
        <button class="d-flex align-self-end" (click)="closeEditComment()">clear</button>

<!-- </div> -->

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion for you to consider:

.common-ssrs > div {
  position: relative;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.common-ssrs > div > div:not(.d-flex) {
  width: 100%;
.common-ssrs > div > div:not(.actions) .add-comment-container {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 100%;

Answer №3

Fortunately, there exists a convenient plugin that fulfills the exact requirement you have! It's known as X-Editable and is fully compatible with Angular. Visit for detailed documentation on the textarea editor (utilized as an in-place "popup")

To witness a straightforward showcase of this plugin, check out JSFiddle here. Provided below is all the necessary HTML, along with a bit of JavaScript:

<a href="#" editable-textarea="user.desc" e-rows="7" e-cols="40">
    <pre>{{ user.desc || 'no description' }}</pre>

Answer №4

Replace the position: relative; with flex order: X for a better layout:

Updated Stackblitz

HTML snippet:

<section class="p-md green-border">
  <div class="common-ssrs">
    <div *ngFor="let service of commonSsrs" class="d-flex justify-content-between">

    <div class="d-flex align-items-center column-1">{{service.code | uppercase}}</div>

      <div class="actions d-flex align-items-center column-3">
        <button mat-mini-fab class="add-button" ><span class="font-title-1 add-text">+</span></button>
        <!-- Consider using button instead of marking when clicked -->
        <div class="mat-icon-container">
          <button (click)="editComment(service)" class="color-gray-2 cursor-pointer add-comment">comment</button>
      <div class="column-2" *ngIf="serviceCommentEdit && ===">
        <ng-container  *ngTemplateOutlet="EditSsrComment; context: { service: service, index: index}"></ng-container>

  <ng-template let-service="service" let-serviceIndex="index" #EditSsrComment>
    <div class="add-comment-container p-md d-flex">
      <button class="d-flex align-self-end" (click)="closeEditComment()">close</button>
      <textarea matInput></textarea>

CSS snippet:

.column-1 {
  order: 1;

.column-2 {
  order: 2;

.column-3 {
  order: 3;

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