Moving a popup div along with a marker in Leaflet can be achieved by using the set

After creating a map using leaflet and adding markers to different locations, I implemented code that displays a popup div with a message when a marker is clicked. Here is the code snippet:

markers.on("click", function(d) {
    div.html("This is Some info").style(
        "left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px").style(
        "top",  (d3.event.pageY - 80) + "px");

The issue arises when dragging the map; the markers move while the div remains static. How can I update the div's style during the drag event so it moves along with the marker?

I attempted the following code within the drag event method:

    console.log((map.latLngToLayerPoint([, d.lon ]).x) + "px , "
        +(map.latLngToLayerPoint([, d.lon ]).y - 80) + "px");["left"]=(map.latLngToLayerPoint([, d.lon ]).x) + "px";["top"]=(map.latLngToLayerPoint([, d.lon ]).y - 80) + "px";

However, the div continues to show the same pixel position as before.

Answer №1

To enhance your map functionality, consider utilizing the 'drag' event to determine the shift and then implementing it to adjust the location of your div element. Here is a possible approach...

    var startCoordinates;
    var startLatitude;
    var startLongitude;
    var movedCoordinates;
    var shiftLatitude;
    var shiftLongitude;

    map.on('dragstart', function() {
        startCoordinates = map.getCenter();
        startLatitude =;
        startLongitude = startCoordinates.lng;
        console.log("STARTED FROM:  " + startLatitude + "," + startLongitude);


    map.on('drag', function() {
        movedCoordinates = map.getCenter();
        shiftLatitude = startLatitude -;
        shiftLongitude = startLongitude - movedCoordinates.lng;
        console.log("Shifted:  " + shiftLatitude + "," + shiftLongitude);
        //apply shift to custom div here...


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