Set a unique class for several elements depending on a given condition

Is there a way to assign a color class based on the element's value without looping through all elements?

Check out my jsfiddle


         <li class="MyScore">90</li>
         <li class="MyScore">82</li>
         <li class="MyScore">77</li>
         <li class="MyScore">66</li>
         <li class="MyScore">62</li>
         <li class="MyScore">50</li>
         <li class="MyScore">42</li>


        background-color: green;
        background-color: yellow;
        background-color: red;


function scoreColor(score){
        var score = document.querySelector('.MyScore').innerHTML;
        var scoreColor = document.querySelector('.MyScore');
        if(score > 85){
            scoreColor.className + ' good';
        } else if(score > 65 && score < 85 ){
            scoreColor.className + ' okay';
        } else {
            scoreColor.className + ' bad';


Answer №1

Take a look at this code snippet and check out the comments provided (fiddle):

 function highlightScores() {
     var scores = document.querySelectorAll('.MyScore'); // select all elements with .Myscore, function (item) { // loop through the elements

         var score = parseInt(item.innerText, 10); // extract and parse the value from text

         if (score > 85) {
             item.classList.add('good'); // add 'good' to element's classList

         } else if (score > 65 && score < 85) {
             item.classList.add('ok'); // add 'ok' to element's classList
         } else {
             item.classList.add('bad'); // add 'bad' to element's classList


Answer №2

Here's a little something to try out:

let scores = document.querySelectorAll('.MyScore');
for (let x of Array.from(scores)) {
    let points = parseInt(x.innerHTML);
    if (points > 85){
        x.className = 'excellent';
    } else if (points > 65 && points < 85){
        x.className = 'good';
    } else {
        x.className = 'fair';

The querySelectorAll method gathers all elements that match the specified criteria, and using Array.from helps arrange them into an array for easier handling.

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