Issues with CSS hovering effects

this is my unique code snippet

CSS Stylesheet

.Navigation-signIn {
  background-color: #c8db5a;

.Navigation-signIn։hover {
  background-color: #ffffff;

JSX Component

import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'

import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  return (
      <NavLink className={"Navigation-signIn"} to={"/"}>
        <span>{"ign In"}</span>

Check out the CodeSandbox demo here

If you're experiencing issues using ։hover in your code, it may be due to a specific reason. Let's explore why it isn't working.

Answer №1

Your CSS implementation is not following the standard format due to the incorrect usage of a colon. To visualize this issue, take a look at this demo or compare the colon in your :hover selector with the correct one on the line below.

Answer №2

Have you ever experienced issues with copying code from elsewhere? I found that when I commented out the copied code and rewrote it myself, everything worked perfectly. Moving forward, it's recommended to structure your CSS styling code in the following manner:

a.signIn:link {
  text-decoration: none;

a.signIn:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  color: red;
  background: white;

Additionally, when using JSX, remember that you do not need to use {} when simply writing a text className or context. {} should only be utilized if you are incorporating JavaScript or other JSX elements.

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