Move the footer to the bottom of the page

Is there a way to position my footer at the bottom of the screen and make it extend to the full width in a responsive manner?

Custom CSS for Footer:

* {
  margin: 0;
html, body {
  height: 100%;
.page-wrap {
  min-height: 100%;
  margin-bottom: -142px; 
.page-wrap:after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
.site-footer, .page-wrap:after {
  height: 142px; 
.site-footer {
  background: black;

  color: white;

Footer Component in TypeScript:

const Footer = () => (
  <footer className="site-footer">
    <p className='text'> APP </p>

export default Footer;

Answer №1



      position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%;


Answer №2

Here is a solution that I believe will be effective:

       left: 0;
       bottom : 0;
       background: #000;
       position: fixed;
       display: block;

If you prefer the footer not to be fixed, you can try this alternative approach:

.footer-section {
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  background-color: #000;

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