Mosaic-inspired image gallery with HTML and CSS styling

Can anyone help me create a couple of styled "blocks" in HTML and CSS similar to the design shown in the image? I've searched for templates but can't find anything that matches my vision, so any assistance would be appreciated. (links not required)

I'm still learning about web development, so please bear with me if there are any errors.

I attempted to create something similar using images, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected...

<div class="jumbotron">
        <!-- FIRST ROW -->
        <div class="row">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0" class="img-circle">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0" class="img-circle">
        <!-- SECOND ROW -->
          <div class="row">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0" class="img-circle">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0" class="img-circle">
            <img src="" width="200" height="200" border="0">

This is the concept I have in mind

Answer №1

If you're looking to begin with creating a grid or table-like structure, there are several ways to achieve this. Some common methods include using UL LI for simplicity, flexbox, and more.

Here is an example of a UL LI structure:

<div id="container">

For the SCSS style on JSFiddle, check out:

Hopefully, this provides a good starting point for you!

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