Modifying the column layout of a CSS grid using a media query

I am working on creating a responsive grid layout with a specific breakpoint that should reduce the number of columns to 14. Here is the code snippet I have in my Sass file:

#app {
  --mid-col-size: 60px;
  --mid-col-amount: 12;
  --edge-col: 150px;
  --col-gap: 20px;
  --edge-spacers: 1fr;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: $header-height 1fr $footer-height;
    repeat(var(--mid-col-amount), var(--mid-col-size))
  grid-column-gap: 20px;
  grid-row-gap: 0px;

@media only screen and (max-width: $desktop) {
  #app {
    --mid-col-size: 1fr;
    --mid-col-amount: 10;
    --edge-col: 120px;
    --col-gap: 10px;
    --edge-spacers: 0px;

Despite setting the number of columns to 14 on the specified breakpoint, when I check with the browser's grid inspector after resizing the screen, there are still a total of 16 columns showing up. Can anyone help me identify what I might be missing in my code?

Answer №1

It seems that Sass does not support this particular function.

To achieve the desired result, you will need to update the styles for #app within a media query:

#app {
  grid-template-rows: $header-height 1fr $footer-height;
    repeat(var(--mid-col-amount), var(--mid-col-size))

Answer №2

After adding a semi-colon following --mid-col-size in the media query, the code is now functioning correctly.

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