Tips for adjusting div content to fit a fixed height on all devices

Looking to adjust the size of the #left-content div based on the height of the window, while ensuring that all content is visible within the fixed #left-bg. However, when viewing on mobile or tablet devices, the content appears hidden.


<div class="left-bg">
  <div class="left-content">
    bla bla bla

Answer №1

To implement a flexible layout, use flexbox and divide your content into 2 separate divs:

<div class="left-bg">
  <div class="left-content-top">
    Insert your text here
  <div class="left-content-bottom">
    More text goes here

Apply the flexbox styling with space between elements:

  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100vh;

Flexbox provides an efficient way to create responsive layouts. Check out the demo on CodePen:

Does this solution meet your requirements?

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