What is causing my div to transition repeatedly from the bottom to the top instead of the center position?

Currently, I am using React and Tailwind CSS and facing an issue with the transition property. My goal is to have a div grow in width and height from the center until it covers the entire viewport when a specific state variable becomes true. The content inside the div should stay in place while only expanding.

The problem I'm encountering is that no matter what type of transition I attempt (such as scale or transitioning y and x), the div keeps expanding from the bottom to the top of the viewport.

Below is a snippet of my code:

   className={`z-10 px-8 pb-6 pt-10 text-white transition-all duration-500 ${slideTransition ? "translate-y-[50%]": "translate-y-0"} 
${isFullscreen ? "absolute inset-0 transition-all transform origin-center duration-[1s] ease-in-out": "relative"}
${fullscreenTransition ? 'max-h-screen' : 'max-h-full'}`}

This is how I trigger the fullscreenTransition state change:

 const triggerFullscreenTransition = () => {
    if (isFullscreen) return true
    else return false

While the state change seems to be functioning correctly, the transition effect causes the div to slide upwards instead of growing from the center. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Instead of using translateY to move the element vertically, consider transitioning the height and width properties. Below is a demo in vanilla javascript and CSS showcasing this effect in full screen:

let red=document.querySelector('.red');
let green=document.querySelector('.green');

function translateY(){
function transitionHW(){
  transition:transform 500ms;
  transition:height 500ms,width 500ms;
  height:100vh;/*the new wanted height*/
  width:100vw;/*the new wanted width*/
  transition:height 500ms,width 500ms;

<div class="box red">
  <button id="y" onclick='translateY()' >move Y</button>
<div class="box green">
  <button id="HW" onclick='TransitionHeightWidth()' >transition height & Width</button>

You can achieve the same effect by writing Tailwind utility classes although I'm not an expert in that specific area.

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