Modifying the appearance of InputText through CSS encapsulation

I'm a newbie to using Blazor and I'm currently experimenting with changing the style of InputText by utilizing css isolation.

Interestingly, I've managed to successfully change the style when setting it inline or internally, however, things take a different turn when attempting to do so with css isolation. After consulting the documentation, it asserts that

Scoped CSS exclusively affects HTML elements and not Razor components or Tag Helpers, which includes elements with a Tag Helper applied, like < input asp-for="..."> /.

Could InputText be considered a Razor component, causing the hiccup in changing the style through css isolation? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Initially, it's important to note that InputText functions as a razor component and is categorized as one of the predefined input components. Therefore, it follows that css isolation not being effective in InputText is an anticipated outcome. The documentation provides an explanation on why utilizing inline styles in InputText can effectively alter the style.

All input components, such as EditForm, have the ability to support arbitrary attributes. Any attribute that doesn't match a component parameter will be included in the rendered HTML element.

To address this issue, one possible solution is to define the class within wwwroot->css->site.css, or include

<style> .input-text-r { color: blue; } </style>
in the razor component, or use inline styling if it complies with your CSP policy. Another approach could involve dynamically adding the class after the page has been rendered in specific situations, through code similar to the example below.

<InputText class=@classvalue @bind-Value="starship.Identifier" />

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    classvalue = "input-text-r";

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