Tips for automatically disabling cloudzoom based on image width

I'm currently utilizing cloudzoom with the given markup:

<div id="container">
  <img id="main-image" class="cloudzoom" src="/img/image1.jpg" data-cloudzoom="variableMagnification: false, zoomOffsetX: 0, zoomPosition: 'inside', zoomImage: '/img-zoom/image1.jpg" />
  <div id="thumbnail-images">
    <img class='cloudzoom-gallery' src="/img/image2.jpg" data-cloudzoom="useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image: '/img/image2.jpg', zoomImage: '/img-zoom/image2.jpg'">
    <img class='cloudzoom-gallery' src="/img/image3.jpg" data-cloudzoom="useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image: '/img/image3.jpg', zoomImage: '/img-zoom/image3.jpg'">

To initialize cloudzoom, I am using this code:

$('#container', context).once('initiateCloudzoom').each(function () {

Although the current implementation is functioning properly, my inquiry is:

How can I deactivate cloudzoom if the main image's width falls below X pixels?

In addition, how can I toggle the enable/disable state of cloudzoom when clicking on a thumbnail based on the same image width condition once the image has been swapped?

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

To deactivate the zoom feature, set the disableZoom value to auto. This will only disable zoom if the zoomed image is equal to or smaller than the original image. Keep in mind that if you have magnification levels greater than 1, the zoom function will remain active.

 <div id="container">
  <img id="main-image" class="cloudzoom" src="/img/image1.jpg" data-cloudzoom="variableMagnification: false, zoomOffsetX: 0, zoomPosition: 'inside', zoomImage: '/img-zoom/image1.jpg'" />
  <div id="thumbnail-images">
    <img class='cloudzoom-gallery' src="/img/image2.jpg" data-cloudzoom="useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image: '/img/image2.jpg', zoomImage: '/img-zoom/image2.jpg', disableZoom:'auto'">
    <img class='cloudzoom-gallery' src="/img/image3.jpg" data-cloudzoom="useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image: '/img/image3.jpg', zoomImage: '/img-zoom/image3.jpg', disableZoom:'auto'">

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