Modifying content within a label element with CSS

Check out this code snippet:

<fieldset class="shareMe"><br />
    <input type="checkbox" id="share_me" name="share_me" value="1" {if $default_share_pref}checked="checked"{/if} onclick="if (this.checked) { var perms = 'publish_stream'; fb_login_cached(function(response){ if (!response.perms.match(new RegExp(perms))) $('share_me').checked = false; }, perms); }"/>
   <label for="share_me">Post this question to my friends on 
      <span class="">
         <a class="fb_button fb_button_small">
            <span class="fb_button_text">Facebook</span>

I am looking to modify the text within the <label for .. > field using CSS.

I know I could achieve this by duplicating the snippet and using CSS to switch between them. However, I am seeking a solution with minimal changes in the code. Perhaps utilizing a CSS trick to alter the text inside the <label for...> without affecting the rest of the content within the tag.

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS, changing text is usually not possible. The only exceptions to this rule are the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. One way you could potentially change text using classes is by toggling between different text options:

label[for="update_text"]:before{content:'Update this text with '}
label[for="update_text"].othertext:before{content:'Some other text!'}

However, while technically feasible, it's generally not recommended. This approach can create accessibility issues, and trying to trace back where the text is coming from in the future could be quite challenging if not clearly defined in the HTML.

Answer №2

After reviewing the guidance provided at , I successfully implemented the following solution:

    visibility: hidden;
    position: relative;
    visibility: visible;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    content:'Make this donation monthly';

Answer №3

To modify the content within :before and :after pseudoelements using CSS is possible, as demonstrated in Ali Bassam's solution mentioned below. However, this method may be considered a bit 'hacky' and comes with limitations such as lack of full support in Internet Explorer for pseudo elements. Despite these drawbacks, it might still be suitable for your particular project.

It is important to note that controlling the toggle functionality solely with CSS can be restrictive. Your options are limited to using media queries or pseudo classes. If you require more advanced toggling capabilities, then incorporating JavaScript would be the best course of action.

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