Having trouble replacing bootstrap with external CSS

As a beginner in a coding bootcamp, I have been introduced to the world of bootstrap. While some of my friends shy away from using it for various reasons, I have no choice but to learn it in class. I've experimented with different techniques to style elements, such as adding new classes and being more specific in my CSS selectors, all followed by the !important declaration. However, I'm starting to suspect that my external stylesheet may not be linked properly despite checking multiple times and making adjustments. Unable to get help from my friends who are busy working, I'm turning to the community for assistance!

Here is a snippet of my HTML and CSS code for your review. The CSS may seem basic as it's for testing purposes to figure out how to override the HTML styles. Your time and insight are greatly appreciated.

On a side note, my classmates poke fun at my coding spacing habits. If you think this could be a problem, please feel free to share your thoughts! I'm open to feedback and eager to refine my coding practices before they become ingrained.

.jumbotron h1
    background-image: url(/img/pizza.png) !important;
    font-family: cursive !important;
<!DOCTYPE html>

    content="width=, initial-scale=1.0"
    Pizza World
    class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light"
        Pizza World
        aria-label="Toggle navigation"
        class="collapse navbar-collapse" 
        class="navbar-nav mr-auto"
            class="nav-item active"
            Order Online 
    class="form-inline my-2 my-lg-0"
        class="form-control mr-sm-2" 
        placeholder="Zip Code" 
        aria-label="Zip Code"
        class="btn btn-outline-success my-2 my-sm-0" 
        Search stores near you!
            class="display-12 myh1class"
            Hello, world!
            This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.
                It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space content out within the larger container.
            class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" 
            Learn more
    src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js" i


Answer №1

There are various methods available to customize and override the default Bootstrap CSS styles.

  1. One approach is to use the !important declaration, although this method may lead to unintended consequences in the future.

  2. Another option is to download the Bootstrap JS and CSS files, make necessary modifications, and then include them directly in your project files instead of using a CDN link.

  3. You can also utilize a CSS selector like id="bootstrap-override" in your HTML. Bootstrap primarily relies on classes, which hold less weight than IDs. For more information on CSS specificity, check out this helpful article here.

Answer №2

To easily incorporate CSS into your project, consider linking an external Bootstrap stylesheet to your HTML files. This allows for simple editing and customization, making the process very straightforward.

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