Loading images in advance with AJAX for enhanced AJAX performance

My website is structured in a sequential manner, where page1.html leads to page2.html and so on. I am looking to preload some images from the third page onto the second page. After searching, I came across this amazing code snippet:

    url      : 'somePage.html',  
    dataType : "html",
    success  : function(data) {


        var imagesCount = $('#someDiv').find('img').length;
        var imagesLoaded = 0;

        $('#someDiv').find('img').load( function() {
            if (imagesLoaded >= imagesCount) {

        var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
        }, 5000);

While this code effectively loads all contents of page3.html onto page2.html, I only want to load the images and have them hidden until the user navigates to page3.html. The issue with the above snippet is that it brings along other elements such as audio. So my question is, would this modified version below meet my requirements?

    url      : 'page3.html',  
    dataType : "html",
    success  : function(data) {

        var imagesCount = $(data).find('img').length;
        var imagesLoaded = 0;

        $(data).find('img').load( function() {
            if (imagesLoaded >= imagesCount) {
              //halt? do something?


Once again, my goal is to preload images from page3.html onto page2.html. Do you think this approach will work? And how can I conduct a test to confirm?

Answer №1

In your situation, the easiest method would be to utilize jQuery.get and specify the images or other objects you wish to preload.

For instance,

// and so on

This approach allows you to indicate which images from the next page should be preloaded in the browser.

The $.get function is essentially a shortened form of the $.ajax function. In this scenario, you're simply fetching the images to ensure they are cached in the browser. Therefore, when you navigate to the following HTML page, the images will already be loaded.

Verification Process

If you were to insert the provided code snippet into your page2 and then access that page with the Network tab open in Firebug or Chrome dev tools, you would observe that GET requests are made for the images and they are cached in the browser.

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