Modify the text inside the <span> tag using the :hover and :hover:after pseudo-classes

This code is working properly:


<span class="counter" >test</span>


    content: "hello";

Result: testhello

However, I am trying to replace 'test' with 'hello'. I attempted the following code but it did not work:


    content: "goodbye";

Expected result: goodbye

Answer №1

content should only be utilized in combination with ::before and ::after. It does not refer to the text contained within an element. The correct usage is as follows:

.counter:after {
  content: "hello";

.counter:hover::after {
  content: "goodbye";
<span class="counter" ></span>

Here is a solution using Javascript:

const counter = document.querySelector(".counter");

  this.innerHTML = "hello";
  this.innerHTML = "goodbye";
<span class="counter" >test</span>

Answer №2

Utilize the font-size property to conceal the previous content and reveal the new one:

.counter:hover:after {
  content: "hello";

.counter:hover {
<span class="counter">test</span>

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