Determine the combined width of each child element and divide it by two

I am working on a div that has multiple children inside. To achieve a horizontal layout, I need to set a width on the parent div so that the content flows from left to right. Instead of having all items in one row, I want them to be split into two rows. This means I will have to calculate the total width and then divide it by 2 to wrap the items onto another line.

Since the number of children is dynamic, using a fixed CSS value is not suitable for this scenario.

The structure of the markup will resemble this:

<div id="container">

I would really appreciate assistance with this issue. While I have managed to determine the dimensions of a single element in the past, I am struggling to do it for a group.

Thank you in advance, Steve

Answer №1

Check out this demo for a solution:

To achieve this effect, follow these steps:
- Set a fixed width for the figure on page load (specified in CSS)
- Find the total number of figures within the container
- Calculate how many figures should be displayed per row (aim for 2 rows).
- Ensure 2 rows are shown by using Math.ceil()
- Determine the width of each row by multiplying the number of figures per row by the figure's width.
- Adjust the container's width to match the calculated row width.

Here's the JavaScript code based on the logic above:


    //Find the width of the figures
    var figure_width = $("#container figure").css("width").replace("px", "");

    //Get the total number of figures
    var num_figures = $("#container figure").length;

    //Calculate how many figures per row
    var num_row_figures = Math.ceil(num_figures / 2);

    //Calculate the total width
    var row_width = figure_width * num_row_figures;

    //Set the container's width to half of the total width


I hope this explanation is helpful!
Best regards, Josh

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