Modify the SVG height using JavaScript and CSS

In my SVG file, I have paths for all the countries in the world. Each country is represented by its own individual path like this:

      d="m 1684.6,518.6 -0.6,-2.3 -0.8,-3.2 -4.8,-3 0.8,4.9 -3.9,0.2 -0.7,2.8 -4.2,1.7 -2.2,-2.8 -2.8,2.4 -3.4,1.7 -1.9,5.4 1.1,1.9 3.9,-3.6 2.7,0.3 1.5,-2.7 3.8,3 -1.5,3.1 1.9,4.6 6.8,3.7 1.4,-3 -2.1,-4.7 2.4,-3.2 2.5,6.4 1.5,-5.8 -0.6,-3.5 -0.8,-4.3 z m -14.5,-11.8 0,-6.1 -3.6,6.1 0.5,-4.2 -3,0.3 -0.3,4 -1.2,1.8 -1,1.7 3.8,4.4 1.6,-1.9 1.4,-4 1.8,-2.1 z m -30.1,6.1 2.6,-4.4 3.4,-3.5 -1.5,-5.2 -2.4,6.3 -2.9,4.4 -3.8,4 -2.4,4.4 7,-6 z m 17.4,-16...

      d="m 1069.4,228.3 -4.6,-0.1 -0.5,-1.4 -4.8,-1.1 -5.7,2.1 -7.1,2.8 -3.1,1.7 1.4,3.1 -1.2,1.6 2,2.2 1.4,3.3 -0.1,2.1 2.3,3.9 2.4,1.9 3.7,0.6 -0.1,1.7 2.7,1.2 0.6,-1.5 3.4,0.6 0.7,2 3.6,0.3 2.6,3.1 0.3,0.4 1.9,-0.9 2.7,2.2 2.8,-1.3 2.4,0.6 3.4,-0.8 4.9,2.3 1.1,0.4 -1.6,-2.8 3.8,-5.1 2.3,-0.7 0.3,-1.8 -3.1,-5.3 -0.5,-2.7 -1.9,-2.9 2.7,-1.2 -0.3,-2.4 -1.7,-2.3 -0.6,-2.7 -1.4,-1.9 -2.5,-0.6 -8.7,0.1 -5.9,-0.7 z"
      style="fill:#f2f2f2;fill-rule:evenodd" />

To interact with each country using JavaScript, I added an anchor tag before each country:

<a href="#" onclick="SelectCountry('ph');" id='country_ph'> 
      d="m 1684.6,518.6 -0.6,-2.3 -0.8,-3.2 -4.8,-3 0.8,4.9 -3.9,0.2 -0.7,2.8 -4.2,1.7 -2.2,-2.8 -2.8,2.4 -3.4,1.7 -1.9,5.4 1.1,1.9 3.9,-3.6 2.7,0.3 1.5,-2.7 3.8,3 -1.5,3.1 1.9,4.6 6.8,3.7 1.4,-3 -2.1,-4.7 2.4,-3.2 2.5,6.4 1.5,-5.8 -0.6,-3.5 -0.8,-4.3 z m -14.5,-11.8 0,-6.1 -3.6,6.1 0.5,-4.2 -3,0.3 -0.3,4 -1.2,1.8 -1,1.7 3.8,4.4 1.6,-1.9 1.4,-4 1.8,-2.1 z m -30.1,6.1 2.6,-4.4 3.4,-3.5 -1.5,-...


Then, to handle the click event on a country:

var phCountry = document.getElementById("PH");

function SelectCountry(country)

However, I tried to scale the clicked country by adding these lines:

phCountry.setAttribute("height", "100px"); = "100px";

I'm new to working with SVG and JavaScript, so I might be approaching this incorrectly. Can anyone help me figure out how to properly implement this? Thank you!

Answer №1

<path> elements do not have a width or height attribute that can be changed directly. Instead, you need to apply a transform to scale the country paths when they are clicked on.

Adding <a> tags to your SVG is unnecessary. Simply attach a click handler to each path element.

Check out the example below for a better understanding:

// Find all <path> elements in the SVG and add a click event listener to each one
document.querySelectorAll("svg path").forEach(function(item) {
  item.addEventListener("click", countryClick);

function countryClick(e) {
  // refers to the path that was clicked
  // The classList.toggle("enlarge") will toggle the "enlarge" class on and off with each click"enlarge");
.enlarge {
  /* Use the bounds of the path to calculate the transform origin */
  transform-box: fill-box;
  /* Set the origin for scaling at the center of the path bounds */
  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
  /* Scale up by a factor of 2 in both x and y directions */
  transform: scale(2, 2);
<svg viewBox="1000 200 800 400">
  <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
        d="m 1684.6,518.6 -0.6,-2.3 -0.8,-3.2 -4.8,-3 0.8,4.9 -3.9,0.2 -0.7,2.8 -4.2,1.7 -2.2,-2.8 -2.8,2.4 -3.4,1.7 -1.9,5.4 ... />
  <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
        d="m 1069.4,228.3 -4.6,-0.1 -0.5,-1.4 -4.8,-1.1 ... />

However, there is an additional step that needs to be considered. When you enlarge a country, it might get hidden behind another un-enlarged country due to the draw order of elements in an SVG. To address this, you should also reorder the enlarged country to the front by moving it to the end of the SVG.

In the next example, I've included the necessary code snippet:

// Look for all <path> elements in the SVG and add a click handler to each one
document.querySelectorAll("svg path").forEach(function(item) {
  item.addEventListener("click", countryClick);

function countryClick(e) {
  // is the path we clicked on.
  // classList.toggle("enlarge") will cause the "enlarge" class to be added then removed on alternate clicks"enlarge");

  // If we are enlarging, move the path to the end of the SVG
  if ("enlarge")) {
    var svg =;
    svg.appendChild(; // Moves the path to the end of the SVG
.enlarge {
  /* Use the bounds of the path to calculate the transform origin */
  transform-box: fill-box;
  /* Set the origin for scaling at the center of the path bounds */
  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
  /* Scale up by a factor of 2 in both x and y directions */
  transform: scale(2, 2);
<svg viewBox="1000 200 800 400">
  <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
        d="m 1684.6,518.6 -0.6,-2.3 -0.8,-3.2 -4.8,-3 0.8,4.9 -3.9,0.2 -0.7,2.8 -4.2,1.7 -2.2,-2.8 -2.8,2.4 -3.4,1.7 -1.9,5.4 ... />
  <path inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
        d="m 1069.4,228.3 -4.6,-0.1 -0.5,-1.4 -4.8,-1.1 ... />
  <path d="M 1100,228 h 30 v 30 h -30 z" fill="#ccaa88"/>

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