Is there a way to automatically add a div to the window as the user scrolls and then hide the div when they scroll back to the

Seeking assistance with creating a function that will add a 'sticky' class to the menu when the user scrolls down to the middle, and then append a div when the 'sticky' class is present. Currently facing issues where the div keeps appending as I scroll and it remains even when scrolling back to the top. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

   jQuery('.main-menu-top').append('<div id="checkout_sticky"></div>');
            /*I want to hide the checkout_sticky, try hide(), doesn't work*/

Answer №1

If you want to create something that changes once completed, follow these steps:

Start by creating a variable with the value of true. Then, in your if statement, check if the variable is true. If it is, run a function and within that function, change the value of the variable to false.

var test = true;


           if(jQuery('.main-menu-top').hasClass('sticky') && test==true){
test = false;
               jQuery('.main-menu-top').append('<div id="checkout_sticky"></div>');
            /*I want to hide the checkout_sticky, try hide(), doesn't work*/

To make it hidden, you can attempt the following approach:

else { 

If that method does not work, you can also try this:


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