Modify the location of the input using jQuery

Hey there, I've got this snippet of HTML code:

<div class='moves'>
    <div class='element'><input type='text' value='55' /></div>
    <input class='top' type='text' />
    <input class='Bottom' type='text' />
    <input class='left' type='text' />
    <input class='right' type='text' />

I want to change the position of certain elements when a user interacts with classes top, bottom, left, or right. Here's what I attempted:

    var element = $(this).parent().closest('.element');

However, it's not working as expected. The message I'm getting is:

w.fn.init [prevObject: w.fn.init(1)]

What I actually want is to change the position of the input with a value of 55. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

closest() ascends the DOM hierarchy (from parent to parent of parent, and so on) in search of an element. To locate an element within its children, you should employ find:

var targetElement = $(this).parent().find('.target-element');

You can also utilize:

var targetElement = $(this).siblings('.target-element');

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