Tips for modifying the text color of radio button choices in HTML and CSS

I have set a black background image for my HTML page. How can I change the radio button labels/texts to white, similar to the questions? This is the code snippet that shows how it currently looks on the page: View Image

<label for="" style="color:white">Cigarette smoking status</label><br><br>
<input type="radio" name="cig-stat" style="color:white" value="0" id="never-smoke" required>Never Smoked Cigarettes<br>
<input type="radio" name="cig-stat" style="color:white" value="1" id="curr-smoker">Current Cigarette Smoker<br>
<input type="radio" name="cig-stat" style="color:white" value="2" id="former-smoker">Former Cigarette Smoker<br>

Answer №1

Make sure to enclose the input elements within label tags, which should also include the text for each radio button, and then style them accordingly.

By the way, it is always recommended to use an external stylesheet for styling rather than inline styles. This not only helps in keeping the code clean but also avoids unnecessary repetition of the same styles across different elements.

body {
  background: #555;
<label for="" style="color:white">Cigarette smoking status</label><br><br>
<label for="cig-stat" style="color:white"><input type="radio" name="cig-stat" value="0" id="never-smoke" required>Never Smoked Cigarettes</label><br>
<label for="cig-stat" style="color:white"><input type="radio" name="cig-stat" value="1" id="curr-smoker">Current Cigarette Smoker</label><br>
<label for="cig-stat" style="color:white"><input type="radio" name="cig-stat" value="2" id="former-smoker">Former Cigarette Smoker</label><br>

Answer №2

To begin, I recommend structuring your code in the following way:

  <legend>Cigarette smoking status</legend>

    <input type="radio" name="cig-stat" value="0" id="never-smoke" required />
    <label for="never-smoke">Never Smoked Cigarettes</label>
    <input type="radio" name="cig-stat" value="1" id="curr-smoker" />
    <label for="curr-smoker">Current Cigarette Smoker</label>

    <input type="radio" name="cig-stat" value="2" id="former-smoker" />
    <label for="former-smoker">Former Cigarette Smoker</label>

After setting up the structure, you can customize the appearance of the <legend> and <label> elements by changing the text color to white. It's advisable to separate the CSS styling from the HTML markup for better organization, but if needed, you can include them inline.

For a demonstration, check out this live example:

If you prefer not to have a white border around the <fieldset> element, simply add a rule like border: none to remove it.

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