Modify the internal class style to set overflow property to visible for a particular class in PrimeNG

Looking for a way to customize the styles of PrimeNG or Angular2 components? The documentation may be lacking clarity, but you can find more information at this URL:

So, how do you actually go about changing the styles of a component?

Take the Dialog component for example; it has properties for style and styleClass:

style       string  null    Inline style of the component.
styleClass  string  null    Style class of the component.

In addition, there's a class called

ui-dialog-content Content element

Let's say you want to change the overflow style of ui-dialog-content to visible. What steps should you take?

The documentation might not provide a clear answer.

I attempted creating a class like so:

  overflow: visible;

and applying it with

<p-dialog styleClass="dialog-overflow" ...
, but that didn't work because it's not the correct class (ui-dialog-content).

Update: I also tried these options without success:

.dialog-overflow .ui-dialog-content {
  overflow: visible;

and this:

.dialog-overflow >>> .ui-dialog-content {
  overflow: visible;

Answer №1

To address the issue, you can utilize the existing class as shown below:

.ui-dialog-content {
    overflow: visible;

It appears there may be a misunderstanding in how to set the class attribute. Instead of using styleClass="abc", you should use class="abc". My expertise lies more in HTML rather than angular, so I recommend applying the following changes:

Update your code like this:

<p-dialog class="dialog-overflow"></p-dialog>

Continue with the CSS snippet you provided earlier:

    overflow: visible;

Answer №2

Indeed, this proved to be the perfect resolution.

p-dialog >>> .ui-dialog-content {
  overflow: visible;

p-dialog >>> .ui-dialog{
  overflow: visible;

The dual overflow setting is required for navigating two layers of nested divs within this component.

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