Modify the CSS of the hidden value within a select type input field

Is it possible to make the "Select Month" placeholder text red while keeping the options in black? I am currently using the hidden attribute as part of my JavaScript functionality. The goal is to only change the color of the default placeholder value.

<select class="form-control">
 <option value="" hidden="" style="color: red;">Select Month</option>
 <option value="JAN">JAN</option>
 <option value="FEB">FEB</option>
 <option value="MAR">MAR</option>

Answer №1

To change the color to red using CSS, simply add color: red to the style property. If you need to revert back to the original color when a different value is selected, utilize the JavaScript code snippet below!

var target = document.getElementById('test');
target.addEventListener('change', () => {
select.form-control {
  color: red;

select.form-control.selected {
  color: black;

select.form-control option {
  color: black;
<select class="form-control" id="test">
  <option value="" hidden>Select Month</option>
  <option value="JAN">JAN</option>
  <option value="FEB">FEB</option>
  <option value="MAR">MAR</option>

Answer №2

If you're looking to change the color of options, using color: red; directly won't work.

The proper way to achieve this is by utilizing the :invalid option and making sure your <select> is marked as required.

Check out this code snippet:

select.form-control option{
  color: black;

select.form-control:invalid {
  color: red;
<select class="form-control" required>
 <option value="" hidden="">Select Month</option>
 <option value="JAN">JAN</option>
 <option value="FEB">FEB</option>
 <option value="MAR">MAR</option>

Note that by setting it as required, the <select> becomes mandatory. If this doesn't align with your requirements, consider using a jQuery solution instead:

Solution 2

  var x = $( ".form-control option:selected" ).val();
  if(x!="") {
  } else {
select {
  color: red;

option {
  color: black;
<script src=""></script>

<select class="form-control">
 <option value="" hidden="">Select Month</option>
 <option value="JAN">JAN</option>
 <option value="FEB">FEB</option>
 <option value="MAR">MAR</option>

This alternative approach allows you to modify the color without enforcing a required field constraint.

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