Modifying Blocks in Prestashop: A Step-by-Step Guide

I'm looking to make some changes to the "categories" block in my left navigation column. Currently, it appears like this: I would like it to look like this by default:

Here are the modifications I need:

  1. Change the class of the cross's span (grower CLOSE -> grower OPEN)
  2. Change the display property of the list (none -> block)

I have not been able to locate where I can make these changes, neither in the template files nor in the back-office.

Could you please guide me on where I should make the code modifications? Thank you :)

Answer №1

` block:

I discovered something fascinating!

I needed to make adjustments to both the CSS and JS files in order to customize the default settings. To alter the default OPEN/CLOSE values, I edited lines 81 & 84 of theme/css/modules/blockcategories/blockcategories.css. The JavaScript portion can be found in theme/js/tools/treeManagment.js lines 62 & 71

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