What is the reason my CSS formatting isn't being applied in Vue.js?

As a newcomer to web development and vue.js, I've been struggling to style my code effectively. Below is an example of my vue.js code where I have created markup for a profile description using figure, figcaption, and image elements. Could you please guide me on how to apply CSS styles to this code?

        <title>v-if If Statements</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
            .special {background:yellow; border: 1px dotted #fe0000; padding:30px; display:block; text-align:center;}
            .important {font-weight:bold; font-size:30px;}

        <div id="app">

                <img v-if="profile.pic" :src="profile.pic">

                <div v-if="profile.fname && profile.lname">
                    Profile: {{profile.fname}} {{profile.lname}}
                <div v-else>
                    No First or Last name found.
                    <div v-if="profile.desc">
                        Desc: {{profile.desc}}
                    <div v-else>
                        No description found.

                    <div v-if="profile.bio">
                        Bio: {{profile.bio}}
                    <div v-else>
                        No bio found.
            var app = new Vue({
                el: '#app',    
                data: {   
                    profile: {
                        fname: "Chris",
                        lname: "Picasso",
                        desc: "Student",
                        bio: "Web developer",
                        pic: "https://i.pinimg.com/custom_covers/222x/85498161615209203_1636332751.jpg"

Answer №1

Where have you implemented the CSS? I seem to be missing something.

In order to style elements, you need to add classes like shown below. Alternatively, you can also do this programmatically. However, my knowledge of Vue is limited. I recommend checking the documentation for guidance.

<div v-if="profile.fname && profile.lname" class="important" >
    Profile: {{profile.fname}} {{profile.lname}}

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