Create a CSS path that connects two points by drawing a line

My image is currently animating along a path, but I want to make the path itself visible. Here's the CSS code:

div {

@-webkit-keyframes Player1 {
0% {

25% {

50% {

75% {

100% {

This is the HTML code for the animation:


If you'd like to create a line connecting them using only CSS code, let me know and I can help with that!

You can view the fiddle here.

Answer №2

If you want to animate the starting point of a line in svg, you can use the "stroke-dashoffset" property in CSS keyframes, just like this code snippet demonstrates:

@keyframes dash {
  0% {
    stroke-dashoffset: 300;
  100% {
    stroke-dashoffset: 0;

Here's an example on CodePen that shows how it works:

Answer №3

To find the angle and distance between two points, you can utilize CSS Transforms to adjust the line placement according to your preference. Check out this example on jsfiddle for a visual representation. While it may be basic, it should help you grasp the concept.

const startPoint=[200,200], 
const line=document.getElementById('line');[0]+'px';[1]+'px';"px"; "rotate("+(Math.atan(slope)*DEGREES)+"deg)"; "0 0";

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