Modify the color of the navigation bar to avoid conflicting with the parallax code

Striving to incorporate a color change in the navbar upon scrolling down has proven to be quite challenging. It seems like there is a conflict between the code for the navbar and the parallax effect on the video canvas placed within a div below it.

Upon further investigation, it appears that removing the parallax code allows the color change in the navbar to function correctly. This hints at a potential interference issue between the two sets of code.

Feel free to check out the fiddle of my code with the parallax effect applied. Removing the parallax segment will showcase the expected behavior of the color change in the navbar.

Answer №1

It appears that your jQuery code is functioning correctly. The reason it seems to work better when the parallax effect is removed is because of the overflow properties in the .parallax class of your CSS file. These properties are causing interference with your fixed navbar.

.parallax {
  perspective: 1px;
  height: 100vh;
  overflow-x: hidden; //remove
  overflow-y: auto; //remove
  width: 100%;

To resolve this issue, simply remove the overflow properties from the .parallax class and everything should function as expected.

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