Implementing a background image using CSS callback instead of utilizing the img element

Working with extremely low-powered devices has led me to consider switching to background-images instead of using img tags for various reasons. However, one major issue I've encountered is the lack of a callback associated with background-image loading or failure, which is crucial for these types of devices.

I've come across suggestions to use an image tag's callback to check and delete the resource, but this method may not be reliable enough for my needs. There is concern that without caching support, multiple network requests could be generated for the same image. Additionally, there is always the risk of successful image loading through the img tag while failing with the background-image property.

Is it possible to attach a separate callback to a div element using addEventListener to monitor its network-based CSS requests? Or if not a callback, is there a way to verify that the background image has indeed loaded?

.class {
  background-image: url('./static/example.jpg');
<div class="foo"></div>

function onSuccess() { // called if ./static/example.jpg loads successfully

function onFailure() { // called if ./static/example.jpg fails to load

Answer №1

Is it feasible to use JavaScript to load the image and only apply a class to an element once the image has finished loading?

Here's an example of how it could be done:

var myImage = new Image();
myImage.onload = function() {
    // Add class to element
myImage.src = '/images/myImage.jpg';

The concept is for JavaScript to initiate the request for the image, wait for it to be cached by the browser, and then apply the designated class to ensure successful loading.

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