Modify CSS in Angular Kendo Chart - Customize the style to display line when the value is equal to 0

Is there a way to customize the CSS style of the grid line when the value is zero on my chart?

I'm looking to achieve something similar to this chart:

Answer №1

If you want to easily adjust the Marker color based on the value of the point, consider setting the color/background/border color property of the series markers to a function instead of a string:

  series: [ {
    type: "line",
    color: "#82D225",
    markers: {
      visible: true,      
      border: {
        color: function(point){return point.value<=0 ? "red" : "#82D225"; }
    data: [3300, 3200, 0, -300, -100, 200],    

Check out this DEMO for reference.

Changing the color of the line is more complex. You can use a gradient with different colors for values above and below 0:

Create an SVG gradient anywhere on your page:

<div style="height: 0px;">
      <linearGradient id="theGrad" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1">
        <stop stop-color="#82D225" offset="0%"></stop>
        <stop id="stop1" stop-color="#82D225" offset="40%"></stop>
        <stop id="stop2" stop-color="red" offset="40%"></stop>
        <stop stop-color="red" offset="100%"></stop>

Then, in the script, find the min and max of your dataset and update the gradient stop offsets:

  var data = [3300, 3200, 0, -300, -100, 200];      
  var max = Math.max(;
  var min = Math.min(;
  var color = "url(#theGrad)";
  var NeedGradient = max > 0 && min <= 0;
  if (NeedGradient){
    var range = max - min;
    var stop = (max - 0) * 100 / range;
    stop = Math.round(stop);
    $("#stop1, #stop2").attr("offset", stop + "%");
  } else {
    max <=0 ? color = "red" : color  = "#82D225";

Finally, apply the gradient to the line on chart render:

  series: [ {
    type: "line",
    color: function(point){return point.value<=0 ? "red" : "#82D225"; },
    data: data,    
  render: function(e) {
    $('#chart svg g [clip-path="url(#kdef2)"] path').css("stroke", color);

For another example, take a look at this DEMO.

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