Leveraging Forms for Entering Google Maps Information

Recently, I've been working on an app that aims to generate a custom map based on user input from a form.

If you'd like to test the functionality yourself, head over to this page. After filling out all required fields and hitting "Submit", the generated map along with its attributes should appear within the #map section.

Important: Don't forget that the Map icon located on the left side of the page represents the actual Map div.

To dive deeper into my code implementation, check out the full setup on jsFiddle at this link.

Despite multiple attempts to troubleshoot issues, it seems that I can't get it to function properly! If anyone could offer some assistance or shed light on what might be going wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

Make sure to visit the Google Developer Console and activate the Google Maps module in order for your code to function properly.

Consider placing your initmap() function at the very beginning of your JavaScript code for best results.

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