Minify and group options available for asset managers specifically designed for traditional HTML websites

My primary focus is on working with the CakePHP framework and utilizing a fantastic plugin that minifies and groups selected assets into a single file, reducing the number of HTTP requests needed for the entire site.

Currently, I am collaborating with designers who are interested in creating dynamically built websites but prefer to maintain control over CSS and design using Dreamweaver. However, I believe I may be more skilled in CSS (particularly SCSS) than they are :).

While they prefer working with standard CSS and html, I can integrate backbone for router/path management, even though it's new territory for me.

I am curious if there are PHP or Node.JS plugins available for grouping/minifying assets without requiring Node.JS support on the hosting platform. Perhaps a PHP plugin would be the way to go?

Would appreciate any suggestions or should I consider developing one myself?

Thanks, Glenn.

Answer №1

If you're looking to streamline your development process, consider using gruntjs. This powerful tool can compile/minify javascript, scss, css, r.js and more.

Because it's nodejs based, all you need to do is install it with npm and set up the output of your files in a /public folder that can be easily uploaded to your hosting service.

You only require node.js for your development environment - once everything is configured, you're good to go.

Gruntjs comes with built-in plugins like watch, which can automatically recompile/minify as you make edits. Plus, there are countless other plugins available to assist with various tasks.

This tool is considered standard for many NodeJS projects due to its efficiency and versatility.

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