Dynamic styles object for React components with inline styles

I have a styles object

let styles = {

I'm trying to display multiple div elements with different colors using React

class Layout extends React.Component{
  constructor(props) {
          types:['Gate Keeper', 'Target Prospect'],
        {title:'Grab Attention',
          types:['Name Drop', 'Product Value'],
        {title:'Disqualify Statement',

When I try to set the border color dynamically based on each item's color property from the array, I encounter an error

    let rows = []
    let data = this.state.steps_array
    data.forEach((i, key)=>{
      let style = Object.assign({}, styles.step_div)
      style.border="1px solid "+i.color //each items color property
      let row = (
          <div  style={style}>
    return rows

The error message reads:

TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'border' of object '#<Object>'

Answer №1

One possible solution is shown below.

const updatedStyle = {...currentStyle.secondary,border:'1px dashed'+color.hex};

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