Methods to disregard class prefix in css document

When I inspect elements in the Chrome console, I notice styles applied to certain divs/buttons like this:

/* Sample Chrome browser styles */
.ItemClass1-0-3-171.ItemClass2-0-3-173: {
    background-color: "red"

I'm wondering how I can define a new style in CSS without specifying those specific class numbers, as they may vary for other elements on the page.

/* CSS stylesheet */
.ItemClass1.ItemClass2 {
    background-color: "blue"

Answer №1

To achieve this, you can utilize two attribute contains selectors.

[class*="ItemClass1"][class*="ItemClass2"] {
  background-color: red;
<p class="ItemClass1-0-3-171 ItemClass2-0-3-173">foo</p>

However, it's important to note that this method may also target elements with the class fooItemClass2.

Answer №2

To target elements that begin with the classname ItemClass, you can utilize an attribute selector with a value of starts-with.

Please note that this method assumes ItemClass is the first classname and does not consider scenarios where the element has multiple classes applied. In such cases, Sven's answer may provide a more suitable solution.

[class^='ItemClass'] {
  background-color: blue;
  padding: 4rem;
<div class="ItemClass1-0-3-171.ItemClass2-0-3-173"></div>

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