What causes the difference in CSS border-bottom-width rendering between IE and Chrome?

My ASP:MENU is styled with some CSS properties, such as setting the 'height' and 'line-height' of each element to 15px. This design appears fine in Internet Explorer but seems too cramped in Chrome. Additionally, a 'border-bottom-style: dotted' is applied to the elements. In IE, this dotted line matches the width of the table element, while in Chrome it aligns with the text width.

I've inspected the page code using Developer Tools in both Chrome and IE, and confirmed that they are receiving the styles correctly. Why do the browsers display them differently? Could it be an inherent rendering discrepancy between Chrome and other browsers? If so, I might need to consider using different CSS styles depending on the browser, unless there's another solution I can attempt?

<asp:Menu ID="menuSubLeft" runat="server" DataSourceID="sitemap_submenu"     
<StaticMenuStyle CssClass="clienthome_submenuMenu" />
<StaticMenuItemStyle CssClass="clienthome_submenuItemMenu" />
<StaticSelectedStyle CssClass="clienthome_submenuSelectedStyle" />
<StaticHoverStyle CssClass="clienthome_submenuHoverStyle" />
<DynamicMenuItemStyle CssClass="clienthome_dynamicMenu_Item" />
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="clienthome_submenuHoverStyle" />
<DynamicMenuStyle CssClass="dynamicMenu_style_left" />
<DynamicSelectedStyle CssClass="clienthome_submenuSelectedStyle" />

border-bottom:dotted 1px #5a57a6;
padding:2px 0px 2px 5px;

    <table id="ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeft" 
    class="clienthome_submenuMenu ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeft_5 ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeft_2" 
    <tr onmouseover="Menu_HoverStatic(this)" 
    onkeyup="Menu_Key(this)" title="Allows client to change their account password" id="ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeftn0">
            <table class="clienthome_submenuItemMenu ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeft_4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
                    <td style="white-space:nowrap;width:100%;">
                        <a class="ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeft_1 clienthome_submenuItemMenu ctl00_ctl00_globalContent_menuSubLeft_3" href="/myprofile.aspx" style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">My Profile</a>

UPDATE: Despite spending hours tweaking the CSS without success or breaking other parts of the site, my colleague suggested a simple fix: I just needed to add the following code to the backend:

protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.Request.ServerVariables["http_user_agent"].ToLower().Contains("safari"))
            Page.ClientTarget = "uplevel";

Answer №1

Understanding CSS Precedence

6.4 The hierarchy of styles

CSS styles can originate from three sources: the author, the user, and the user agent.

  • Author: Authors specify style sheets for a document based on the language conventions. This could be included in the document itself or linked externally.
  • User: Users can also define style information for a document, either through a separate file or through the user agent's interface.
  • User agent: User agents must apply a default style sheet to documents. The default style should meet general expectations for presentation, such as rendering HTML elements with appropriate styling.

If you're encountering issues, consider resetting your base styling to eliminate any unwanted padding and margin on block and table elements.

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