Maximizing Efficiency on the Frontend: Balancing Requests with Caching

I am currently tackling a large website that has accumulated quite a bit of technical debt that needs to be addressed. The site contains a significant amount of JavaScript and CSS files being loaded. Currently, these files are aggregated and minified in layers, with one layer being used on each page, while other layers are only loaded on specific pages that require them.

For instance:

page 1:
    - default.css
    - page1.css
    - some-feature.css
    - default.js
    - page1.js
    - some-feature.js

page 2:
    - default.css
    - page2.css
    - default.js
    - page2.js

page 3:
    - default.css
    - page3.css
    - some-feature.css
    - some-other-feature.css
    - default.js
    - page3.js
    - some-feature.js
    - some-other-feature.js

In addition to these resources, there are numerous external resources being loaded for tracking, advertising, social integration, and more.

I have a hunch that these resources could load faster (both initially and in subsequent requests) if they were combined and minified into one single JS and CSS file per page. For example, page1.css + page1.js, and on another page it would be page2.css + page2.js. However, this approach may result in certain content being loaded redundantly (such as the original default.css).

What is the recommended method for loading these resources efficiently? And do you have any test results regarding this approach?

Answer №1

TLDR: The benefits of caching are clear, as it helps your page load faster with a compressed payload

In many projects I've observed, all front-end assets were combined into single files for efficient caching. Utilizing gzip compression can significantly reduce file sizes.

Consider incorporating small amounts of CSS directly into your HTML for page-specific styles.

When it comes to JavaScript, converting assets into AMD modules and using tools like RequireJS can streamline dependency management and execution order.

Inlining smaller snippets of JS code can also help reduce overall package size.

Excessive advertising can be detrimental to user experience, so loading banners asynchronously (check out postscribe) is recommended.

Take advantage of PageSpeed Tools by Google for easy optimization tips for your website's payload.

Answer №2

Here are a few queries you might have:

  1. Should I combine and minify my files or schedule them for subrequests?. When deciding on this, consider the size of the compressed and minified .js file. It's advisable to aim for a file size lower than 300kb (even less on mobile devices). If all your pageX.js files add up to 100kb, it's best to combine them. However, if your files exceed 300kb per page, continue reading the section on significant js assets below.

  2. What should I do about duplicate default.css/js Code? Keep them separate but host them on the same URL. By doing so, the browser can cache the URLs and avoid reloading the files unnecessarily (also refer to http expiry header for better caching). It's also recommended to store them on a fast, replicated external location (such as Amazon Cloud Front / S3).


common (externally hosted, same url): 
- default.minified.css
- default.minified.js

page 1:
- page1.css
- page1.js

page 2:
- page2.css
- page2.js

page 3:
- page3.css
- page3.js

** Dealing with Large JS Assets **

If your page3.js file grows significantly (>500kb), consider implementing lazy loading. This involves loading the core functionality required for user interaction first.

There are various methods to asynchronously load single javascript files (search for "lazy loading javascript" on Google) for each library. For example, you can use jquery to dynamically load a javascript file like this

$.getScript('tinymce.js', function() {

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