"Maximizing battery life: Efficient video playback on iOS in low power

Summary: I am currently working on a website that features a video set as the background which autoplays. However, I have encountered an issue on iOS devices when "Low Power Mode" is activated - the video fails to play and instead displays a large "Play" icon. Despite my efforts using CSS and JavaScript solutions, I have been unable to hide this button or force the video to play.

One potential solution I am considering is to detect if the device is an iOS one and, if so, hide the video and display a picture instead. However, this approach would mean that even devices capable of playing the video would not be able to do so.

Does anyone have any suggestions for overcoming the "Low Power Mode" restriction or hiding the "Play" icon?

Answer №1

Dealing with a similar scenario in my full-page web application that utilizes the camera, I encountered a solution by removing the autoplay property on the video element. Instead, I manually played the video when a suspend event was triggered:

const handlePlayVideo = (e) => {
  if (e.currentTarget.readyState >= 0) {
    e.currentTarget.play(); // this returns a promise and can be awaited if needed

Note that readyState has 5 different states, so you may need to be more specific for a preloaded video as opposed to a camera stream.

A cautionary note: triggering the play function twice (as in my example of using both onLoadedMetaData and onSuspend) may result in an aborted log in the browser console if they occur close together. You can handle this by catching the promise on the play function (e.g. play().catch()).

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