Styling for Print Media: Adjusting the horizontal spacing between inline elements

I have been developing a custom AngularJS point-of-sale (POS) system that requires printing receipts upon completing a sale. To achieve this, I am using ng-print to print out a sales summary displayed within a specific div element after hiding all other unnecessary elements and showing only the relevant ones. However, I am facing an issue with formatting some rows in a line, as I am unable to add spacing between them or align them properly.

Below is an image showcasing the current layout of the sales summary, highlighting the spacing between Description, Price, and Quantity:

For better understanding, here is the HTML code snippet for the sales summary:

<div id="sales-summary">
    <!-- Sales summary content goes here -->

The issue arises when trying to style the elements for proper alignment and spacing. Despite several attempts to adjust the CSS properties, I have not been successful in achieving the desired outcome. Below is the existing CSS code where I attempted to set up spacing:

@media print {
    body * {

    /* Additional CSS styling goes here */

Unfortunately, despite my efforts, the printed output lacks proper spacing between the description, quantity, and price components, as shown in the following image:

If anyone has insights or suggestions on how to resolve this spacing and alignment issue in the printed receipt, your assistance would be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

One possible explanation could be related to the rule defined by this specific selector:

.display-row *{

This selector treats all elements as inline, causing their width property to lose its significance. To address this issue, consider changing it to inline-block.

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