Matching CSS attribute values with another attribute

Can CSS be used to target elements based on the value of another attribute? For instance:

<div data-attr1="abc" data-attr2="def"></div>
<div data-attr1="abc" data-attr2="abc"></div>

I am looking for something like this (although it doesn't work):


This would ideally select the second DIV, but not the first.

Answer №1

Using CSS alone won't allow you to achieve this particular task. However, with the help of JavaScript (specifically jQuery), you can accomplish it like so:

var matchingDataAttributes = new Array();
$.each($("[data-attr1]"), function(index, element){
    if($(element).attr("data-attr1") == $(element).attr("data-attr2")){


In this code snippet, the matchingDataAttributes variable will store any

<div data-attr1="abc" data-attr2="abc"></div>
and other div elements where the value of data-attr1 matches the value of data-attr2.

Answer №2

Nope, CSS doesn't offer that feature. You might need to turn to JavaScript or have the HTML generator include a class or marker attribute when those specific attributes align.

For more information, check out the latest selectors specification; focusing on the section related to attribute selectors, but unfortunately, nothing resembling your request is listed there.

Answer №3

One possible solution is to employ jQuery:

if ($('section').attr('data-attribute') == $('section').attr('data-property'))

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