Validating the similarity of classes with JQuery

Currently, I am working on creating a quiz game using HTML, CSS, JQuery, and potentially JavaScript. I am looking to implement an if statement to check if a dropped element is placed in the correct div (city). My approach involves utilizing classes to compare and determine if they match. Is this approach feasible and appropriate?

The main question I have is - how can I compare the classes of two elements?

$(function() {
  $("#answers div").draggable();
  $("#box div").droppable({
    drop: function(event, ui) {
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link href='style.css' rel='stylesheet'>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="answers">
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> Antoni Gaudi </p>
    <div class="paris">
      <p> Champ Elysees </p>
    <div class="london">
      <p> Tate Modern </p>
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> Sagrada Familia </p>
    <div class="paris">
      <p> Montmartre </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> Fifth Avenue </p>
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> Paella </p>
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> La Rambla </p>
    <div class="london">
      <p> Piccadilly Circus </p>
    <div class="paris">
      <p> Mona Lisa </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> Empire State Building </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> Broadway </p>
    <div class="paris">
      <p> Musée d'Orsay </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> Wall Street </p>
    <div class="london">
      <p> Camden Town </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> Big Apple </p>
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> La Boqueria </p>

  <div id="box">
    <div class="paris">
      <p> PARIS </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> NY </p>
    <div class="london">
      <p> LONDON </p>
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> BARCELONA </p>


Answer №1

Snippet from the jQuery UI API guide for droppable:

drop( event, ui )

  • event
  • ui
    • draggable: A jQuery object representing the draggable element.
    • helper: A jQuery object representing the helper being dragged.
    • position: Current CSS position of the draggable helper as { top, left } object.
    • offset: Current offset position of the draggable helper as { top, left } object.

You are probably aware that this pertains to the droppable element, but now you also have access to the draggable. The "helper" in jQuery refers to the element following the cursor. By default, these two are the same, but you could opt to have the draggable remain stationary until dropped while a ghostly clone follows your cursor.

Instead of assigning a class to the draggable and checking it in the drop event using a script like this...

const categories = ["paris", "ny", "london", "barcelona"];

$(function() {
  $("#answers div").draggable();
  $("#box div").droppable({
    drop: function(event, ui) {
      const $this = $(this);
      if (categories.some(c => $this.hasClass(c) && ui.draggable.hasClass(c))) {
          .html("Valid :)");
      } else {
          .html("Invalid :(");
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="answers">
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> Antoni Gaudi </p>
    <div class="paris">
      <p> Champ Elysees </p>
    <div class="london">
      <p> Tate Modern </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> Fifth Avenue </p>

  <div id="box">
    <div class="paris">
      <p> PARIS </p>
    <div class="ny">
      <p> NY </p>
    <div class="london">
      <p> LONDON </p>
    <div class="barcelona">
      <p> BARCELONA </p>


It's advisable to think ahead for the future. At some point, you might want to store puzzles in JavaScript.

  { category: "Paris", answers: ["Champ Elysees", "Montmartre"] },
  { category: "NY", answers: ["Big Apple", "Broadway"] }

This way, you could automatically generate the HTML for puzzles and store the draggable and droppable widgets within each category. Consider the following approach:

categories.forEach(c => {
  c.droppable = createDroppable(c.category);
  c.draggables = => createDraggable(answer));

Then, you could compare the draggable and droppable elements by identity without relying on attributes. While I'm not extensively familiar with jQuery, I believe this can be achieved using the is method.

// inside the drop event
const category = categories.find(c => $(this).is(c.droppable));
if (category.draggables.some(answer => {
  // this answer is correct!

Answer №2

To identify the class of an element and verify if it is included in the current element, you can leverage ui.draggable:

$( function() {
  $( "#answers div" ).draggable();
  $( "#box div" ).droppable({
    drop: function( event, ui ) {
      var dropped = $(this).attr('class').split(' ')[0];
      if(ui.draggable.attr('class').split(' ').includes(dropped)){
        $( this )
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


<div id = "answers">
  <div class = "barcelona"><p> Antoni Gaudi </p></div>
  <div class = "paris"><p> Champ Elysees </p></div>
  <div class = "london"><p> Tate Modern </p></div>
  <div class = "barcelona"><p> Sagrada Familia </p></div>
  <div class = "paris"><p> Montmartre </p></div>
  <div class = "ny"><p> Fifth Avenue </p></div>
  <div class = "barcelona"><p> Paella </p></div>
  <div class = "barcelona"><p> La Rambla </p></div>
  <div class = "london"><p> Piccadilly Circus </p></div>
  <div class = "paris"><p> Mona Lisa </p></div>
  <div class = "ny"><p> Empire State Building </p></div>
  <div class = "ny"><p> Broadway </p></div>
  <div class = "paris"><p> Musée d'Orsay </p></div>
  <div class = "ny"><p> Wall Street </p></div>
  <div class = "london"><p> Camden Town </p></div>
  <div class = "ny"><p> Big Apple </p></div>
  <div class = "barcelona"><p> La Boqueria </p></div>

<div id = "box">
  <div class = "paris"><p> PARIS </p></div>
  <div class = "ny"><p> NY </p></div>
  <div class = "london"><p> LONDON </p></div>
  <div class = "barcelona"><p> BARCELONA </p></div>

Instead of using classes for comparison, a better approach is to use custom attributes as recommended in the comment section:

$( function() {
  $( "#answers div" ).draggable();
  $( "#box div" ).droppable({
    drop: function( event, ui ) {
      var dropped = $(this).data('city');
      if('city') == dropped){
        $( this )
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


<div id = "answers">
  <div data-city="barcelona"><p> Antoni Gaudi </p></div>
  <div data-city="paris"><p> Champ Elysees </p></div>
  <div data-city="london"><p> Tate Modern </p></div>
  <div data-city="barcelona"><p> Sagrada Familia </p></div>
  <div data-city="paris"><p> Montmartre </p></div>
  <div data-city="ny"><p> Fifth Avenue </p></div>
  <div data-city="barcelona"><p> Paella </p></div>
  <div data-city="barcelona"><p> La Rambla </p></div>
  <div data-city="london"><p> Piccadilly Circus </p></div>
  <div data-city="paris"><p> Mona Lisa </p></div>
  <div data-city="ny"><p> Empire State Building </p></div>
  <div data-city="ny"><p> Broadway </p></div>
  <div data-city="paris"><p> Musée d'Orsay </p></div>
  <div data-city="ny"><p> Wall Street </p></div>
  <div data-city="london"><p> Camden Town </p></div>
  <div data-city="ny"><p> Big Apple </p></div>
  <div data-city="barcelona"><p> La Boqueria </p></div>

<div id="box">
  <div data-city="paris"><p> PARIS </p></div>
  <div data-city="ny"><p> NY </p></div>
  <div data-city="london"><p> LONDON </p></div>
  <div data-city="barcelona"><p> BARCELONA </p></div>

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