Manipulation of CSS DOM elements for achieving responsive design

I am working with a div field that contains an input element and a label element, both set to display:block

<div class="cf-full">
    <input id="a" >
    <label class="helptext"></label>

In the standard view, the input field is displayed first. However, for mobile responsiveness, I want the label to be displayed before the input field.

I am aware that this can easily be achieved through DOM manipulation using JavaScript. But is there a way to achieve reversing the order of DOM elements using only CSS?

Answer №1

This solution is effective.

section {
    display: flex;
button {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 10px;
span {
    display: block;

View the code solution here.

Answer №2

A positive affirmation: you are exploring a concept like this: (adjust the viewport in jsfiddle for a demonstration)

<style type="text/css>
.cf-full input,
.cf-full label{
@media all and (max-width: 300px){
    .cf-full input,
    .cf-full label{

<div class="cf-full">
    <input id="a" />
    <label class="helptext">Label</label>

UPDATE: following feedback, I adjusted the label positioning to alternate between above and below (up/down).

Here is an example with positional styles implemented:

.cf-full {
.cf-full input,
.cf-full label{
.cf-full input {left:0;top:20px;}
.cf-full label{left:0;top:0px;}

@media all and (max-width: 300px){
    .cf-full input {left:0;top:0px;}
    .cf-full label{left:0;top:20px;}

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