Manipulate React class names by adding or removing them

Is there a way to toggle a className on click to change the style of a component?

  • I need to rotate an arrow to the right when it's clicked and hide all components next to it using display: none;.

  • I also require this functionality to work when the mobile breakpoint is reached.

Answer №1

let [isSpin, setSpin] = useState(false);

triggerSpin() {

<button className={isSpin ? 'spin-effect' : ''} onClick={triggerSpin} />
{ !isSpin && <Element/>} // element will be hidden once button is clicked

This method is preferred over using display: none on other elements. However, if necessary, you can do this:

 <Element style={{ display: isSpin ? 'none': 'block' }} /> // It assumes default display style of the elements to be 'block'

Answer №2

To implement boolean state and a function to change the state, you can refer to this code snippet.

function App() {
  const [state, setState] = useState(true);

  const rotateHandler = () => {
    setState(() => !state);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {/* button for changing the state */}
      <button onClick={rotateHandler}>Click to rotate and hide</button>
      {/* icon for rotation */}
            transform: state ? "rotate(90deg)" : "rotate(0deg)"
      {/* text to be hidden conditionally */}
      <div style={{ display: state ? " block" : "none" }}>
        <div>This text will be hidden when the state is false</div>
        <div>You can click the button</div>
        <div>to rotate the arrow icon</div>
        <div>and hide this text</div>

You can also add conditions in className rather than inline styles as shown below:

className={state ? "show" : "hide"}

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