Is there a way to adjust the color of the checkbox?

After creating a show/hide toggle checkbox for a password input, I ran into an issue with changing the background color when it is checked. Our current code base includes a custom styled checkbox, but it lacks the ng-model needed for this particular feature.

<input style="color: #009688;" type="checkbox">

Answer №1

If you want to set the background color for a checkbox without using plugins or making custom modifications, there is a clever trick you can use. Simply employ the filter rule with the parameter hue-rotate().

Additionally, you have the option to determine the value in degrees (deg) by converting the RGB code.

input[type="checkbox"]:nth-child(1):checked {
    filter: hue-rotate(240deg);

input[type="checkbox"]:nth-child(2):checked {
    filter: hue-rotate(285deg);

input[type="checkbox"]:nth-child(3):checked {
    filter: hue-rotate(300deg);

input[type="checkbox"]:nth-child(4):checked {
    filter: hue-rotate(320deg);
<input type="checkbox>
<input type="checkbox>
<input type="checkbox>
<input type="checkbox>
<input type="checkbox> <!--ORIGINAL-->

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