Managing touch devices and animations when hovering

Is there a way to remove or prevent all hover effects on a touch device? I've tried various scripts, but none seem to work for me. How can I test it with dev tools? I attempted this script but received an error: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null. Interestingly, it works here codepen. Could the error be because the dom tree has not loaded yet?

<html class="hover-active">

$(window).on('load', function() {

        if (!('addEventListener' in window)) {

        var htmlElement = document.querySelector('html');

        function touchStart() {

            htmlElement.removeEventListener('touchstart', touchStart);

        htmlElement.addEventListener('touchstart', touchStart);

I also tried this method:

if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){}

In addition, I experimented with using modernizr, which only seems to work for selectors inside html.touch and

function is_touch_device() {
 return 'ontouchstart' in window        // works on most browsers 
  || navigator.maxTouchPoints;       // works on IE10/11 and Surface

if ( is_touch_device() ) {
} else {

html.touch .hover-me:hover {
   pointer-events: none !important;
   cursor: pointer;

html.touch a:hover {
   pointer-events: none !important;
   cursor: pointer;

/* FOR THE DESKTOP, SET THE HOVER STATE */ .hover-me:hover {
   width: auto;
} a:hover {
   width: auto;

However, my goal is to remove all :hover selectors. The * selector does not work for this purpose. It seems like I'm still struggling to make it work.

  .hover-me:hover {
     background: yellow;
html.touch .hover-me:hover {
   pointer-events: none !important;
   cursor: pointer;


Answer №1

If you want to eliminate all hover effects on touch screen devices, one approach is to utilize CSS Media Queries to ensure that the device has full support for hover actions before implementing any :hover styles. This can be achieved by encapsulating the styles within @media (hover: hover).

@media (hover: hover){
  .hover-me:hover {
     background: yellow;

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