Managing the height of a hero section with TailwindCSS and React.js

Embarking on my first website project using React and Tailwind has been an exciting learning experience.

My vision is to showcase a Hero Section prominently at the top, with a Nav bar situated elegantly at the bottom of the screen.

To bring this concept to life, I plan to divide the layout into two distinct sections: The hero section occupying 80vh and the Navbar taking up the remaining 20vh to ensure full-page coverage.

In attempting to implement this design, I have structured my Hero Component as follows:

const HeroSection = () => (

  <div className="h-4/5 bg-green border-nft-gray-1">Hero Section</div>


export default HeroSection;

I have relied on the guidance provided in the documentation for achieving 80% screenspace, indicated by h-4/5:

Despite my efforts, the frontend displays a different outcome than expected. The Hero Section, represented by the green div, does not adhere to the specified 80%vh but rather adjusts its size based on content height.

The app compilation occurs as shown below:

const Marketplace = ({ Component, pageProps }) => (
    <HeroSection />
    <Navbar />

export default Marketplace;

Furthermore, the Provider utilized for data transfer encapsulates both components and defines their output:

  return (
    <NFTContext.Provider value={{ nftCurrency, buyNft, createSale, fetchNFTs, fetchMyNFTsOrCreatedNFTs, connectWallet, currentAccount, isLoadingNFT }}>

Upon inspection, it seems that there are no conflicts between the CSS and the setup. What am I missing in terms of utilizing Tailwind effectively to achieve the desired composition?

Your insights and assistance are greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

By setting the height of your hero section div to h-4/5, you are effectively making it 80% in height. However, this height is only relative to its parent window. To achieve the styling effect you have in mind, you need to specify that you want the height of the entire viewport.

Therefore, update it to

<div className="h-[80vh] bg-green border-nft-gray-1">Hero Section</div>

Answer №2

It is recommended to specify the height when utilizing the components.

const Marketplace = ({ Component, pageProps }) => (
    <HeroSection className="h-4/5" />
    <Navbar className="h-1/5" />

export default Marketplace;

Make sure to delete h-4/5 from the HeroSection component itself.

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