Make a big picture fit into a tiny container

I have a question about image rendering. What occurs when we try to fit a large image into a small container?

Consider, for example, creating an HTML page with a 100x100 px image on a device with a pixel ratio of 2.

Situation 1: Placing the image inside a 100x100 px div

A div sized at 100x100 px matches the device's pixel capacity, resulting in a perfect fit for the image without issues.

Situation 2: Putting the image in a 50x50 px div

The available device pixels are insufficient for displaying the entire image.

What happens in this scenario? Does the system automatically downsample the image?

Answer №1

As per the information provided on, the default setting for image rendering is 'auto', with the scaling algorithm being user agent dependent, meaning there is no standardized approach and it may vary across different browsers.

For instance, according to the documentation on MDN:

From version 1.9 (Firefox 3.0) onwards, Gecko utilizes bilinear resampling for high-quality output.

The W3C document further elaborates on the expected behavior when specific values are assigned for image rendering, however, these guidelines are not strict directives. Factors like available system resources can also influence the rendering process.

Therefore, if you have a particular system in mind, it is recommended to conduct research to determine the actual method utilized for scaling or modifying the image rendering CSS property.

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