Add custom CSS styles to a webpage using the CSS Style element retrieved from

I am working on an HTML page that has a TextArea and label. My goal is to create CSS classes in the TextArea and apply them to the label:

<textarea id="txtCSS" name="txtCSS" rows="4" cols="50">

<label class="FC">Some Text</label>

Can someone guide me on how to achieve this?!

Answer №1

Give this a try

const addCSS = function() {
  const [_,className,style] = document.getElementById("txtStyle").value.match(/\.(\w+){(.*)}/)
<textarea id="txtStyle" name="txtStyle" rows="4" cols="50">

<p class="highlight">Highlighted text</p>

Answer №2

Insert the text from the textarea into the style element.

  1. Monitor the input event on the textarea to capture any new content being added.
  2. Attempt to locate the style element using the ID previewStyle. If it exists, append the text. Otherwise, create a new style element and add the content there.

View the live demonstration here

function render(value) {
  let previewStyle = document.getElementById('previewStyle');
  if(!previewStyle) {
  }else {
    previewStyle.innerText = value; 

function addStyle(styles) { 
  /* Creating style element */ 
  const css = document.createElement('style'); 
  css.type = 'text/css'; = 'previewStyle'; 

  if (css.styleSheet){
   css.styleSheet.cssText = styles; 
  } else {

  /* Appending style to the head tag */ 

const text = document.getElementById('txtCSS');
text.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
 const content =;


Consider using a library to replace the current textarea for enhanced code highlighting, such as:

  • tui-editor
  • ace
  • and more.

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