Maintain consistent distance between checkboxes and their corresponding labels

I have a set of 10 checkboxes that look like this:

[]  Arts   []  Dance  []  Karate 
[]  Volleyball   []  Basketball  

Currently, I am using the following CSS styles:

#tagstype_tags .tag_select {
    padding-left: 240px !important;
    width: 500px !important;
.tag_select label {
    margin-right: 15px;
    margin-left: 10px;

How can I modify the styling to achieve the following layout for the checkboxes?

[]  Arts         []  Dance        []  Karate 
[]  Volleyball   []  Basketball 

Answer №1

To determine the layout, it is crucial to consider your markup structure. For instance, if you have a list with list elements, you could implement the following approach:

<li class="checkboxLI"><input type="checkbox" name="volleyball"><label>Volleyball</label></li>
<li ...

Subsequently, you can set the list elements to be displayed as 'inline-block' with a static width of your choice. In this case, the label might have 10px padding on the left side.

ul {
.checkboxLI {
.checkboxLI input {
.checkboxLI label {

It is important to note that long labels may cause wrapping issues that are unavoidable.

I trust this information proves helpful,

Regards, Uwe

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